What’s there to do?

What’s an idea you want to share? What’s a problem you’re trying to solve? What’s a conversation you want to have? There are so many ways to get involved and create the experience you want at the Art of Retreat.

Teach & Talks

Choose between 16+ educational presentations, workshops, and discussions in areas across education, movement, business, leadership, science, and design.

Movement Classes

Get a taste of other movement & wellness disciplines. Every morning you can pick from a variety of classes facilitated by fellow participants, including meditation, dance, martial arts, and more.

Open Schedule Sessions

Sometimes inspiration strikes unexpectedly and the day-of. We set specific times for ‘open-schedule programming’ - for folks inspired to run impromptu sessions or activities.

Skill Trades

Try your hand at a new skill or hobby. Last year we attendees sharing their knowledge on fire building, navigation, watercolor painting, and lock picking.

Late Night Lounge

Every night we transform our great hall into a cozy late night lounge—complete with a game-of-thrones-esque fireplace, cuddle pit, colorful lights, and our conversation bar.

Night Missions

Team up with your cabin mates and put yourself to the test by taking on a series of physical challenges and puzzles that test your survival, escape, and evasion skills.

Connecting 1-1

One of the most important elements of this event is building stronger relationships with peer-leaders in person. There are plenty of spaces and times to

Group Meals

Your ticket includes 9 meals—from dinner Thursday night to Lunch Sunday afternoon.

Taking Breaks

Take a break. Most attending serve in some leadership capacity back at home. We schedule plenty of downtime to meditate, reflect, and engage in a little self-care. This weekend is as much about re-energizing as it is about learning.

Building Playgrounds

We bring a small amount of scaffolding on site for you to design, build, and play with.

Your Idea here?

Dance party? Nature art? Something else? Do it.

General Mischief

Need we say more?