Lake Wenatchee • September 21 – 24th, 2023
An immersive gathering celebrating leadership in parkour.
We bring remarkable leaders from the global parkour community together for 4 days of learning, sharing, and play.
Share your ideas.
Climb the trees.
Reconnect to the Sprit of Parkour
Over 30 experts and leaders give presentations and run hands-on workshops covering a wide array of topics including:
community building
business management
coaching practices
architecture & design
sports science/health
and more!
This weekend is as much about growing as it is about relaxing. Set out on an adventure into the acres of forest surrounding us or build a playground close to home-base. Jump into the cool lake (pack your floaties), sit by a cozy evening fire and talk late into the night, or team up to take on our survival-style night missions. Every day is open to you.
Meet folks who are facing the same challenges as you, and lend them your hand. Passionate and dedicated gym owners, local leaders, parkour coaches, practitioners, researchers, and students all come together to help each other be stronger.
“The only way to describe it is there being an overwhelming sense of community.” - Jake